Oleg Akilov

Investigator headshot of Oleg Akilov

Oleg E. Akilov, MD, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Dermatology at the University of Pittsburgh and a Director of the Cutaneous Lymphoma Program and Extracorporeal Photopheresis Unit. Dr. Akilov directs Cutaneous Lymphoma Program providing the full spectrum of

Maninjay Atianand

Investigator headshot of Maninjay Atianand

Robert Binder

Investigator headshot of Robert Binder

Our research interests are focused on the mechanisms of cross-priming of antigens during immune responses to cancer, viruses and autoimmunity. The pursuit of this research area stems from the observations that in many situations, heat shock proteins (HSPs) are both

Erica Braverman

Investigator headshot of Erica Braverman

My research has focused on mechanisms to enhance cellular immunotherapies for cancer. My work thus far has centered on the role of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in metabolically optimizing Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)T cells for the in vivo environment. I

Tullia Bruno

Investigator headshot of Tullia Bruno

Immunotherapy, specifically anti-PD1, has improved patient survival in a range of tumor types including head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Despite the success of anti-PD1 therapy, only 20% of patients produce a durable

Yuri Bunimovich

Investigator headshot of Yuri Bunimovich

Dr. Bunimovich is a faculty member of the Department of Dermatology at the University of Pittsburgh and the UPMC Hillman Cancer Institute, and a graduate faculty member in Molecular Pharmacology and Cellular & Molecular Pathology.  He obtained PhD in Chemistry

Sandra Cascio

Investigator headshot of Sandra Cascio

My laboratory investigates the intercellular communications between stroma, tumor cells and immune cells within the tumor microenvironment. I am particularly focused on gaining a better understanding of how factors, secreted by stromal and tumor cells, modulate the immunosuppressive activities of

Anthony Cillo

Investigator headshot of Anthony Cillo

The Cillo Lab focuses on understanding how immune cells make cell fate decisions, how intercellular communication influences these cell fate decisions, and the ways in which cell-cell interactions shape community dynamics in the tumor microenvironment. To address these questions, we

Diwakar Davar

Investigator headshot of Diwakar Davar

My research interests are in translational science. Specifically, I am interested in designing early-phase clinical trials based on an improved understanding of tumor immunobiology and host-tumor-microenvironment interactions. Additionally, I am interested in the mechanisms underlying non-response to checkpoint inhibition and

Greg Delgoffe

Investigator headshot of Greg Delgoffe

In recent years, the decades-long promise of tumor immunotherapy has finally begun to come to fruition. Checkpoint blockade, for example, represents a critically important intervention for potentiating the antitumor immune response. In these therapies, blockade of T cell intrinsic negative

Robert Edwards

Investigator headshot of Robert Edwards

Dr. Edwards' research interests include  the treatementHPV-related and ovarian malignancies with immunotherapeutic approaches. He serves as principal investigator for a number of pharmaceutical-sponsored studies. He also serves on the Cancer Vaccine Committee, which experiments with novel therapeutic approaches to gynecologic malignancies and produces

Louis Falo

Investigator headshot of Louis Falo

Dr. Falo is actively involved in a variety of research projects focused on the prevention and treatment of melanoma and skin cancers, and has research expertise in the areas of cutaneous drug delivery, radioprotection, immunobiology, vaccine design, antigen processing and

Olivera Finn

Investigator headshot of Olivera Finn

The long-standing interests of our laboratory center on identifying specific mechanisms of human anti-tumor immunity and cancer immunosurveillance. We study T cell and antibody repertoire in cancer patients and in healthy individuals at risk for cancer and factors that influence that

Yi-Nan Gong

Investigator headshot of Yi-Nan Gong

I am an assistant professor of immunology at the University of Pittsburgh and member of Tumor Microenvironment Center at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center. My research focuses on the mechanisms that control cell death and how the quality of cell death

Rachel Gottschalk

Investigator headshot of Rachel Gottschalk

Understanding how extracellular signals are linked to gene expression is a fundamental challenge in biology, and more specifically, macrophage signal integration is central to understanding healthy versus aberrant regulation of inflammation. My laboratory uses quantitative approaches to address these problems, with

Timothy Hand

Investigator headshot of Timothy Hand

The laboratory of Timothy Hand, PhD, is interested in the immune cells of the intestine and how they respond to the first interactions with colonizing microorganisms. How the immune system deals with newly colonizing bacteria is important, since too little

Reinhard Hinterleitner

Investigator headshot of Reinhard Hinterleitner

The Hinterleitner Lab studies mucosal immune responses to gut microbes. Current projects are centered around how gut protists shape immune responses in the context of celiac disease, IBD, and colon cancer.

Jing-Zhou Hou

Investigator headshot of Jing-Zhou Hou

Sawa Ito

Investigator headshot of Sawa Ito

Bone marrow stem cell transplantation is, for many, the only curative treatment for leukemia and lymphoma-blood cancers. From this technique, we have learned that immune cells of the donor which are transferred in the transplant can eradicate blood cancer, in

Alok Joglekar

Investigator headshot of Alok Joglekar

The research in my laboratory focuses on using T cell antigen discovery techniques to understand and engineer immunity. One of the areas we are interested in is uncovering the targets of antitumor T cell responses and using this knowledge to

Udai Kammula

Investigator headshot of Udai Kammula

As Director of the Solid Tumor Cell Therapy Program at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, I oversee both clinical and research studies aimed at developing effective T cell-based immunotherapies for advanced cancer. We employ an integrated translational approach based upon preclinical in

Lawrence Kane

Investigator headshot of Lawrence Kane

My lab is currently pursuing several projects: 1. The role of TIM-3 in CD8+ T cells  This project currently involves the study of – TIM-3, a novel protein of the T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain family in regulation of

John Kirkwood

Investigator headshot of John Kirkwood

Dr. Kirkwood’s research focuses upon melanoma immunobiology, therapy and prevention. His translational studies established the first effective adjuvant therapy of melanoma, and identified the immunological basis of this therapy, and are now probing the role of molecularly targeted agents (BRAF,

Gary Kohanbash

Investigator headshot of Gary Kohanbash

Jing Li

Investigator headshot of Jing Li

I am an early-career researcher with a strong passion for cancer-related research. The goal of the my lab is to unravel the molecular and cellular mechanisms driving immunosuppression in the tumor microenvironment, with a particular focus on CD8+ regulatory T

Jason Lohmueller

Investigator headshot of Jason Lohmueller

Dr. Lohmueller’s laboratory focuses on engineering synthetic receptors and gene circuits to improve adoptive cell therapies to treat cancer. Two major goals of the lab include enhancing receptor targeting specificity as well as remediating suppression of the anti-tumor immune response.

Michael Lotze

Investigator headshot of Michael Lotze

Dr. Lotze's primary area of research is broadly in tumor immunology, particularly the role of cellular therapy using dendritic cells, T cells, and NK cells. His current research interests include the further identification of clinical biomarkers and surrogates in the

Jason Luke

Investigator headshot of Jason Luke

Jason J. Luke, MD, FACP, is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh and UPMC Hillman Cancer Center where he is Associate Director for Clinical Research and the Director of the Immunotherapy and Drug Development Center (Phase I). Dr.

Haider Mahdi

Investigator headshot of Haider Mahdi

Cancer related research: 1. Tumor immune microenvironment in ovarian cancer focusing on tumor associated macrophages and TGF-B as well as strategies to enhance benefit of immunotherapy in ovarian cancer; 2. Her2 directed targeted therapy in combination approach targeting resistance mechanisms;

Marcus Malek

Investigator headshot of Marcus Malek

Marcus Malek, MD, director of Pediatric Surgical Oncology at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, directs a unique research program focused on improving surgical outcomes in pediatric tumors through use of novel molecular imaging technology. Towards this end, he and his

Marlies Meisel

Investigator headshot of Marlies Meisel

Our lab is exploring the role of the gut and tissue microbiome on systemic immunity in the context of complex diseases such as autoimmunity and cancer. Further we ask how we can use other environmental factors such as physical exercise

Yana Najjar

Investigator headshot of Yana Najjar

Yana G. Najjar, MD is a translational investigator and cutaneous oncologist at the UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, where she is an Associate Professor of Medicine and Director of the Clinical and Translational Research Center. Dr. Najjar specializes in the treatment

Abigail Overacre-Delgoffe

Investigator headshot of Abigail Overacre-Delgoffe

My broad research program will address the following question: How can the microbiome-specific immune response be modified or targeted to improve cancer patient response to immunotherapy? I will utilize the expertise and tools I have developed throughout my training to

Hyun Park

Investigator headshot of Hyun Park

To identify molecular differences between responders and non-responders in cancer immunotherapies, we develop data-science techniques, AI-driven tools, and statistical inference methods. Based on the models, we attempt to stratify patients that will likely benefit from immunotherapies and identify potential therapeutic

Ravi Patel

Investigator headshot of Ravi Patel

I am a physician-scientist in the Department of Radiation Oncology here at Hillman. The focus of my translational research lab is on the development of new combination radiation immunotherapy treatments. In particular, my current research focus is on the development

Arjun Pennathur

Investigator headshot of Arjun Pennathur

Amanda Poholek

Investigator headshot of Amanda Poholek

My research focuses on understanding how immune cells integrate signals encountered in the environment to drive functional outcomes at the molecular and epigenetic level in both health and disease. The tumor microenvironment plays important roles in limiting T cell function

Ian Pollack

Investigator headshot of Ian Pollack

Prior to joining the faculty of the Department of Neurological Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh in 1992, Dr. Ian Pollack was awarded the 1991 Van Wagenen Traveling Fellowship, which afforded him a year of subspecialty training in the Department

Warren Shlomchik

Investigator headshot of Warren Shlomchik

Galina Shurin

Michael Shurin

Investigator headshot of Michael Shurin

Our research program focuses on the mechanisms of cellular and molecular interactions in the tumor microenvironment. The elements of the tumor microenvironment can collectively exert both stimulatory and inhibitory pressures on the proliferative, angiogenic, neurogenic and immunomodulating potential of cancerous cells, as

Adam Soloff

Investigator headshot of Adam Soloff

Walter Storkus

Investigator headshot of Walter Storkus

My laboratory studies tumor immunobiology and designs immunotherapies for the treatment of cancer based on results from translational modeling. My near-term research goal remains the development of novel phase I/II clinical trials for the treatment of patients with cancer, with

Dario Vignali

Investigator headshot of Dario Vignali

Our research focuses on various aspects of T cell regulation and function: (1) Mechanistic Focus:      (a) Immune Regulation: Regulatory T cells (Tregs): Identification of novel Treg molecules and their function; mechanism of Treg function; regulation of Treg stability via Nrp1 and other pathways; IL-35 signaling

Jing Wang

Investigator headshot of Jing Wang

The goals of my research program include: (1) define the cellular and molecular mechanisms of immune evasion during cancer development; (2) develop more effective cancer immunotherapy, with a focus on head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs) and B cell

Theresa Whiteside

Investigator headshot of Theresa Whiteside

Dr. Whiteside’s research interests are in tumor Immunology and immunotherapy with special focus on mechanisms of tumor-induced immunosuppression, extracellular vesicles, cytokine networks,   immunology of human head and neck cancer, melanoma, acute myelogenous leukemia and breast cancer. Her research is  focused on  mechanisms of tumor escape

Dan Zandberg

Investigator headshot of Dan Zandberg

Hassane Zarour

Investigator headshot of Hassane Zarour

Hassane Zarour, MD is a dermatologist and cancer immunologist whose research focuses on basic and translational human cancer immunology in the melanoma field. His work has led to the identification of novel melanoma MHC class II-presented epitopes that have been

Pascal Zinn

Investigator headshot of Pascal Zinn