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UPMC Hillman Cancer Center scientists are committed to bringing innovative cancer discoveries from the lab to patients.
Shared Resources
Hillman Fellows
Research Programs
Biobehavioral Cancer Control Program
Cancer Biology Program
Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Program
Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy Program
Cancer Therapeutics Program
Cancer Virology Program
Genome Stability Program
Head and Neck Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Melanoma and Skin Cancer
Research Centers
Women’s Cancer Research Center (WCRC)
Tumor Microenvironment Center (TMC)
Education & Training
High School Students and Undergraduates
PhD Graduate Students
Oncology Graduate Program
Post-Doctoral Associates
Medical Students and Residents
Health Care Professionals
UPMC Hillman Training Grants
Upcoming Educational Events & Seminars
Women’s Initiatives Task Force
Community Outreach and Engagement
Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Services
UPMC Hillman Community Events
Patients and Families
Cancer Information
Services for Cancer Patients & Families
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Clinical Trials
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An NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center, affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
UPMC Hillman Cancer Center Shared Resources Survey
UPMC Hillman Cancer Center Shared Resources Survey
Please help us to evaluate/improve the services offered by UPMC Hillman Cancer Center ('Hillman') Shared Resources by completing the following survey. All responses to this survey will remain anonymous.
Please mark all Hillman Shared Resources that you have used at least once in the past calendar year
If you have not used any Hillman Shared Resources in the past year, check "None"
Animal Facility
Biobehavioral Oncology Facility
Biostatistics Facility
Cancer Bioinformatics Services
Cancer Genomics Facility
Cancer Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Facility
Cancer Proteomics Facility, Luminex Laboratory
Cancer Proteomics Facility, Mass Spectrometry Laboratory/Biomedical Mass Spectrometry Center
Cell and Tissue Imaging Facility/Center for Biologic Imaging, Oakland
Chemical Biology Facility/Drug Discovery Institute, Oakland
Cytometry Facility
IMCPL, Cellular Products Laboratory
IMCPL, Immunologic Monitoring Laboratory
In Vivo Imaging Facility, Preclinical MRI
In Vivo Imaging Facility, Preclinical PET/CT
In Vivo Imaging Facility, Preclinical Optical and Ultrasound Imaging
In Vivo Imaging Facility, Clinical MRI and PET/CT
Tissue and Research Pathology Services/Health Sciences Tissue Bank
In the past year, I have obtained at least one product/service from a source other than the Hillman Shared Resources listed above even though that product/service COULD have been obtained through a Hillman Shared Resource.
In the past year, I have obtained at least one product/service from a source other than the Hillman Shared Resources listed above because that product/service is NOT available through a Hillman Shared Resource.
UPMC Hillman Cancer Center Shared Resources Survey