UPMC Hillman Training Grants

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Training Grants are also referred to as Institutional National Research Service Awards (NRSAs), or “T32” or “T35” grants. These grants support pre-doctoral, post-doctoral, and short-term research training experiences in specified areas of biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research.

The chart below shows some of the current Training Grants that include UPMC Hillman investigators.

PI Funding Agency Project Title For
Shlomchik, Mark NIAID Autoimmunity And Immunopathology Training Program Pre-docs and Post-docs
Merlin, Jessica NIDA Building an Interprofessional and Diverse Workforce in Substance Use and Pain Post-docs
Vignali, Dario
Binder, Robert
NCI Cancer Immunology Training Pre-docs and Post-docs
Luketich, James
Phillippi, Julie
Vorp, David
NHLBI Cardiothoracic Surgery Research Training Program Post-docs
Duncan, Andrew
Monga, Satdarshan (Paul)
NIBIB Cellular Approaches to Tissue Engineering and Regeneration Pre-docs
Levine, Michele NIMH Clinical Research Training for Psychologists Post-docs
Thomson, Angus NIAID Interdisciplinary Training in Transplantation Biology Pre-docs and Post-docs
Brodsky, Jeffrey
Murray, Sandra
Woolford, John
NIGMS Institutional Program in Cell and Molecular Biology: A Graduate Training Path to Promote Traditional and Non-Traditional Professional Outcomes Pre-docs
Schwartz, Russell
Steinman, Richard
NIGMS Medical Scientist Training Program Pre-docs
Hochheiser, Harry NLM Pittsburgh Biomedical Informatics Training Program (T15) Pre-docs and Post-docs
Kammula, Udai NCI Postdoctoral Research Training in Biotherapy of Cancer Post-docs
Zevallos, Jose NCI Postdoctoral Research Training in Head and Neck Oncology Post-docs
Jacob, Tija NIGMS Predoctoral Training in Pharmacological Sciences Pre-docs
Dermody, Terence NICHD

Research Training Program for Pediatric Subspecialty Fellows

Conley, Yvette NINR

Targeting Research and Academic Training of Nurses in Genomics

Pre-docs and Post-docs
Lee, Young Ji NINR

Technology Research in Chronic and Critical Illness

Pre-docs and Post-docs
DeFranco, Donald
Jurczak, Michael
Kleyman, Thomas
NIDDK Training in Renal, GI, Endocrine and Epithelial Biology (T35) Pre-docs
Schmitz, Kathryn
Yuan, Jian-Min
NCI Translational Research Training in Cancer Etiology and Prevention Post-docs
DeLuca, Neal NIAID Viral Persistence and Pathogenesis Pre-docs and Post-docs

For additional details, including the faculty mentors for each training program, please see the University of Pittsburgh Training Grant Programs website.