Kalil Abdullah

Investigator headshot of Kalil Abdullah

My laboratory is focused on developing novel clinical models of glioma and identifying druggable targets to facilitate early phase clinical trials. Gliomas are intensely heterogenous tumors that not only contain numerous cell types, but also demonstrate the ability to transition

Daniel Altschuler

Investigator headshot of Daniel Altschuler

Dr. Altschuler's laboratory studies mechanisms of signal transduction by the second messenger cAMP in cell proliferation. cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) and Exchange protein activated by cAMP (Epac) represent the main effectors of cAMP action. Both pathways converge at the level

Leonard Appleman

Investigator headshot of Leonard Appleman

Parul Barry

Investigator headshot of Parul Barry

Dr. Barry is interested in breast and gynecologic cancer research specifically related to preoperative and salvage radiation therapies. Dr. Barry is a board-certified radiation oncologist and a Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center at UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital.

Simone Brixius-Anderko

Investigator headshot of Simone Brixius-Anderko

Research in my laboratory is focused on cytochrome P450 enzymes (P450), their role in human health and disease, and their potential as drug targets. While most studies focus on steroidogenic P450 enzymes as drug targets for prostate and breast cancer

Adam Brufsky

Investigator headshot of Adam Brufsky

Dr. Brufsky’s research interests include novel clinical therapeutics for breast cancer, bone-breast cancer interactions and therapeutics, molecular biology of metastatic breast cancer, and novel management strategies for metastatic breast cancer. Dr. Brufsky manages approximately 30 clinical trials investigating various aspects

Andrew Bukowinski

Investigator headshot of Andrew Bukowinski

Dr. Bukowinski is an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.  He cares for patients with a variety of oncologic diagnoses covering the spectrum of solid tumors, leukemia, and neuro-oncology. He serves as the UPMC Children's Hospital of

Melissa Burgess

Investigator headshot of Melissa Burgess

My research is focused on clinical and translational studies of soft tissue and bone sarcomas. Currently, I am investigating an immunotherapy utilizing an anti-PD1 inhibitor for patients with advanced sarcomas. In the future, I plan to further study novel immunotherapeutic

Yu-Chiao Chiu

Investigator headshot of Yu-Chiao Chiu

Yu-Chiao (Chris) Chiu, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology/Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Chiu’s research interests include bioinformatics, machine learning, cancer genomics, and pharmacogenomics. The goal of his laboratory is to systematically

Haroon Choudry

Investigator headshot of Haroon Choudry

Rivka Colen

Investigator headshot of Rivka Colen

John Comerci

Investigator headshot of John Comerci

Alexander Deiters

Investigator headshot of Alexander Deiters

The Deiters Lab works in the areas of Chemical Biology and Synthetic Biology, with the goal of developing novel approaches toward a better understanding of human health and disease. This includes 1) the discovery of small organic molecules that inhibit

Kathleen Dorritie

Investigator headshot of Kathleen Dorritie

Dr. Dorritie was previously involved in laboratory research focused on the development of novel therapeutic agents for acute myeloid leukemia. More recently, she has shifted her focus to early phase clinical trials in hematologic malignancies, specifically immune therapies for lymphoma

Jan Drappatz

Investigator headshot of Jan Drappatz

My research is directed towards the development of new therapies for primary and secondary brain tumors using targeted drugs, inhibitors of angiogenesis, and immunotherapies. I am also interested in the identification of molecular markers of prognosis in patients with malignant

Genia Dubrovsky

Investigator headshot of Genia Dubrovsky

My clinical and research interests are in the study of improved diagnostics and treatments for patients afflicted with pancreatic cancer. Specifically, in collaboration with researchers at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and at the University of Pittsburgh, I am active in

Susannah Ellsworth

Investigator headshot of Susannah Ellsworth

My primary research interests are investigating the effects of external beam radiation therapy on immune status and developing novel radiation therapy techniques for gastrointestinal cancers. Currently, I am working on developing methods for calculating radiation dosimetry to the immune system during external

Christian Fernandez

Investigator headshot of Christian Fernandez

The research in the laboratory of Dr. Fernandez focuses on improving cancer treatment and patient outcomes through various areas: Investigating drug-induced immunogenicity and liver injury. Developing targeted agents for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Preventing capecitabine-induced hand-foot syndrome. Studying the role of the

Paul Floreancig

Investigator headshot of Paul Floreancig

Our research is directed toward developing fundamentally new transformations and highlighting their utility for complex molecule synthesis.

Natasha Galanina

Investigator headshot of Natasha Galanina

As a clinician investigator, I am interested in the development of novel, biologically-informed therapies for relapsed/refractory high grade lymphoma. In particular, my clinical research is focused on understanding the molecular genomic profile of each tumor in order to match it

Charles Geyer

Investigator headshot of Charles Geyer

Dr. Geyer’s research interests include the design, implementation, and analyses of phase III clinical trials in early breast cancer that evaluate new therapeutics and diagnostics with potential for changing existing standards of care. More broadly, his focuses include immunology and

Constantinos Hadjipanayis

Investigator headshot of Constantinos Hadjipanayis

My research as a neurosurgeon-scientist has focused on the translation of new therapies and intraoperative visualization of glioblastoma (GBM). I direct the Brain Tumor Nanotechnology Laboratory in the Hillman Cancer Center studying the use of magnetic iron-oxide nanoparticles (MIONPs) for the targeted

Youko Ikeda

Investigator headshot of Youko Ikeda

Dr. Ikeda’s research interests focus on furthering the understanding of the various cellular mechanisms that regulate urinary bladder contractile and storage functions, as well as determining the consequences of neurogenic injury, chemical cystitis and ionizing radiation exposure to the lower

Annie Im

Investigator headshot of Annie Im

1) Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in older patients: My research focuses on developing strategies to improve treatment outcomes for older patients with AML. I oversee clinical trials that are focused in older AML. 2) Chronic graft-versus host disease (GVHD): Another

Paul Johnston

Investigator headshot of Paul Johnston

Dr. Johnston has over two decades of drug discovery experience in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and academic sectors. Since joining the University of Pittsburgh Department of Pharmacology & Chemical Biology in 2005 to help design and build the infrastructure for a

Anders Josefsson

I am PhD investigator and medical physicist with expertise in radiopharmaceutical dosimetry and modelling as well as PET- and SPECT-imaged based dosimetry. During my PhD studies, I developed small scale/micro dosimetry models for the thyroid gland to calculate the radiation absorbed doses

Anthony Kanai

Investigator headshot of Anthony Kanai

My lab’s cancer research, based on our NCI R01, is to determine if radioprotectants instilled in the urinary bladder prior to irradiation of pelvic or prostate tumors can protect against radiation cystitis without dampening treatment efficacy.  We utilize a mouse

Hayeon Kim

Investigator headshot of Hayeon Kim

As an assistant director of outcomes research, my mission is to assess the value(s) of various treatments and clinical outcomes for cancer care via these tasks below: 1. Establish the infrastructure by collaborating with multi departments for outcomes analyses for

Seungwon Kim

Investigator headshot of Seungwon Kim

Kazunori Koide

Investigator headshot of Kazunori Koide

We are currently studying FR901464, a natural product that regulates cancer-related genes by novel mechanisms. This compound inhibits cancer proliferation at concentrations as low as 1 nM. To study FR901464, we completed a chemical total synthesis of this natural product.

Eric Lechman

Investigator headshot of Eric Lechman

My broad areas of expertise include human hematopoietic and leukemia stem cell biology. My research is focused on (1) understanding miRNA control of the molecular and signaling pathways that direct the cellular fate of normal and malignant human hematopoietic stem

Song Li

Investigator headshot of Song Li

Dr. Li has broad knowledge in medicine, biology, and drug and gene delivery and has established a strong research program centered at the interface of biology and biotechnology. His lab has developed several novel delivery systems that are aimed to solve

Yan Lin

Investigator headshot of Yan Lin

Priscilla McAuliffe

Investigator headshot of Priscilla McAuliffe

Dr. McAuliffe focuses on the surgical treatment of all breast diseases, with special interest and research emphasis on invasive lobular breast cancer, de-implementing low-value breast surgical care, pre-invasive neoplasms such as DCIS and LCIS, premenopausal and elderly breast cancer, breast

Adam Mueller

Investigator headshot of Adam Mueller

I am a physician scientist in radiation oncology with a focus on identifying targetable mechanisms of pancreatic cancer resistance in the laboratory, and dose escalated hypofractionated radiation therapy in the clinic. Over the course of my education and training, I

Jessie Nedrow

Investigator headshot of Jessie Nedrow

I am an assistant professor of radiology and the co-director of the preclinical in vivo imaging facility (IVIF) at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center. I have expertise in molecular imaging (PET, SPECT, optical), organic synthesis, peptide synthesis, conjugation and radiochemistry, targeted

Alexander Olawaiye

Investigator headshot of Alexander Olawaiye

Adam Olson

Investigator headshot of Adam Olson

I am a clinical scientist in the department of Radiation Oncology whose academic career is focused on the rational use of radiation therapy in the context of multidisciplinary cancer therapeutics, specifically focusing on the role of radiation therapy with immunotherapy.

Daniel Premkumar

Investigator headshot of Daniel Premkumar

Glioblastomas are highly invasive primary tumors with poor prognosis despite current therapies. Individual targeted therapies have failed to offer long-term survival benefits, although combinations of rationally selected inhibitors may have significant therapeutic applicability for these tumors. Studies by our group

Priya Rastogi

Investigator headshot of Priya Rastogi

Robert Redner

Investigator headshot of Robert Redner

Anwaar Saeed

Investigator headshot of Anwaar Saeed

Dr. Saeed’s research efforts are focused on immune modulatory approaches in patients with gastric & esophageal cancer, colon cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma as well as chemoprevention/ immunoprevention in the high-risk GI population. She has published more than 150 peer reviewed

Ibrahim Sahin

Investigator headshot of Ibrahim Sahin

I am a clinical investigator who designs clinical trials in the space of colorectal cancer for drug development. My clinical research interests are targeted therapeutics and immunotherapy. I also collaborate with translational scientists to conduct correlative sciences. My translational research interests include understanding resistance

Mark Schurdak

Investigator headshot of Mark Schurdak

My research interests center on applying a Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) approach that integrates experimental and computational analyses to understand disease and drug mechanisms, which will lead to developing more effective therapeutic strategies.

Gabriel Sica

Investigator headshot of Gabriel Sica

My research has focused predominantly in the pathobiology of lung cancer and how the tumor microenvironment affects the natural biology and response to treatment. Working in collaboration with colleagues from the department of medical oncology we have discovered multiple possible

Ahmad Tafti

Investigator headshot of Ahmad Tafti

I am an Assistant Professor of Health Informatics in the Department of Health Information Management within the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh, with a secondary appointment at the Intelligent Systems Program (ISP). I am also leading

D Lansing Taylor

Investigator headshot of D Lansing Taylor

My research has been rooted in developing and applying new technologies involving “high content” imaging methods to biomedical challenges. We have been applying quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) to multiple disease areas including liver diseases and solid tumor cancers.  My interests

Sarah Taylor

Investigator headshot of Sarah Taylor

Dr. Taylor’s research interests include targeted and novel treatments of gynecologic cancer, correlated biomarker development for defining personalized cancer therapy, and screening and early detection of gynecologic cancers, particularly in individuals with hereditary predisposition to cancer. Her collaborations extend to

Pradeep Tyagi

Investigator headshot of Pradeep Tyagi

Dr. Tyagi’s research interests include application of intravesical drug delivery techniques and urinary biomarkers to advance the diagnosis and care of bladder cancer, prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia and interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome.

Liza Villaruz

Investigator headshot of Liza Villaruz

Dr. Liza C. Villaruz is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh and UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and Co-Leader of the Immunotherapy and Drug Development Center at Hillman. She is a clinical and translational investigator in lung

Andreas Vogt

Investigator headshot of Andreas Vogt

My major research interests center around the discovery of small molecules with phenotypic assays in clinically relevant cellular and whole organism models. It is becoming increasingly clear that better models of the in vivo milieu are needed to improve the

Qiming Wang

Investigator headshot of Qiming Wang

Peter Wipf

The Wipf group develops tools of synthetic organic chemistry in the search for innovative new therapies and therapeutics. We identify original synthetic methods, strategies and molecular mechanisms, and we apply them in medicinal chemistry and chemical biology, total synthesis, and

Norman Wolmark

Investigator headshot of Norman Wolmark

Norman Wolmark, MD, has spent decades conducting groundbreaking research and early clinical trials in the treatment of breast and bowel cancers.  Many of his early studies were conducted at the University of Pittsburgh alongside the late Dr. Bernard Fisher. Dr.

Wen Xie

Investigator headshot of Wen Xie

The research focus of Dr. Xie’s laboratory is nuclear receptor-mediated transcriptional regulation of genes that encode drug metabolizing enzymes and drug transporters. In addition to metabolizing drugs, the same enzyme and transporter systems are responsible for the homeostasis of endogenous

Gregory Yothers

Investigator headshot of Gregory Yothers

Irina Zabbarova

Investigator headshot of Irina Zabbarova

About one-third of the patients treated for prostate cancer opts for surgical removal of their tumors, with the remaining undergoing external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) or brachytherapy, along with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT; e.g., Leuprolide). While irradiation destroys the majority

Hua Zhang

Investigator headshot of Hua Zhang

The main research focuses of my lab are: 1. establishing new immunocompetent mouse models for lung cancer and utilizing them to study the therapeutic efficacy and mechanisms of novel combination of targeted therapy with immunotherapy 2. identifying new therapeutic vulnerabilities to

Amer Zureikat

Investigator headshot of Amer Zureikat

Amer H. Zureikat, MD, is chief of the Division of Gastrointestinal (GI) Surgical Oncology at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, co-director of the UPMC Hillman Cancer Center Pancreatic Cancer Program, and associate professor of surgery at the University of Pittsburgh School
