

Light microscopes

1 Leica 3X STED super-resolution/confocal system with 3 depletion lines

1 Abberior 2 line STED super-resolution system

1 III Lattice light sheet microscope

3 Caliber RS-G4 high speed confocal scanners

6 Nikon Sweptfield confocal microscopes (TI inverted, one in BSL3 facility, 3 equipped for widefield and confocal high-throughput screening)

1 Optiscan Confocal Endoscope/Microscope

1 Olympus FluoView MPE Multiphoton Microscope

2 Nikon A1R confocal microscopes

2 Nikon A1RS confocal microscopes

2 Nikon A1 confocal microscopes

1 Nikon N-Storm system

1 Nikon E-SIM system

2 Nikon A1R Multiphoton Microscopes (with resonant scanning)

1 Leica TCS-SL Confocal Microscope (Upright) (Hillman Satellite lab)

2 Olympus FV1000 Confocal Microscopes (Inverted)

1 Olympus FV1000 Confocal Microscopes (Upright)

3 Multimode microscopes ((Automated XY, Ratioing, FRET) (two with microinjection capabilities)

2 Multimode Widefield/TIRF/ microscopes (one with microinjection capabilities)

1 Olympus Multimode (3D, 2D fluorescence, high speed) dissecting microscope

2 Olympus SXZ12 Dissecting Microscopes for MPE prep surgery

1 Olympus SXZ-ILLD100 Dissecting Microscope

1 Olympus BX51 light microscope (Brightfield, darkfield, epifluorescence DIC)

3 Olympus Provis light microscopes (Brightfield, darkfield, epifluorescence DIC)

1 TissueGnostics automated slide scanning microscopes (epifluorescence Brightfield)

2 Nikon 90i Upright microscope (Automated XYZ, Brightfield, darkfield, epifluorescence DIC)

1 Tomocube Holographic microscope

1 OpenSpim light sheet microscope

Electron Microscopes/Equipment

1 JEOL 1011CX Transmission Electron microscope with high resolution AMT digital camera

1 JEOL 1400 Transmission Electron microscope with high resolution AMT digital camera

1 JEOL 9335 Field Emission Gun SEM with backscatter detector

1 JEOL 7800F PRIME Field Emission Gun SEM with transmitted, 2x secondary and backscatter detector

1 JEOL JFD-V-TP freeze fracture, freeze etch, rotary shadowing, platinum replica system

1 Leica EM PACT2 High Pressure Freezer

1 Leica EM FSP Freeze Substitution System

1 Cressington 108Auto Sputter coater (Gold-palladium)

1 Cressington 108Carbon/A Carbon coater

1 Leica EM CPD030 Critical Point Dryer


1.7 petabytes of high-performance parallel storage space with 60 gigabits of aggregated bandwidth

100 terabytes of low-latency high-performance solid-state storage with 40 gigabits of bandwidth

Associated, dedicated cloud storage for web-based data distribution

58 Pentium-based PCs all with Photoshop, Imaris, Metamorph, NIS Elements; most with deconvolution capabilities

1 large multiprocessor workstation (32 core, 1Tb RAM, 56Tb SSD, RTX 2080 GPU)

1 GPU computational server with (8 RTX 2080, 32 cores, 128GB RAM, 8 TB NVME SSD)

4 dedicated workstations with TGX low-latency remote desktop solution for image visualization and processing


Multiple CCD, EM CCD, and sCMOS cameras for light microscopes

Multiple (15) live cell chambers and Syringe Pumps for media perfusion

Miscellaneous small light (inverted phase) microscopes, PCR machine, assorted protein and nucleic acid gel running apparati and power supplies

Tissue culture facilities: 2 Tissue culture hoods, 1 Hypoxic/Hyperoxic incubator, 4 x CO2 tissue culture incubators, water baths, 5 table top microfuges, 2x tissue culture refrigerated centrifugs, cytospin centrifuge, clinical centrifuge, pH Meter, 2 x digital balances, refrigerated high-speed (26K x g) microfuge, Beckman Airfuge and EM90 and A100 rotors

Access to departmental cold room, dark room with x-ray developer, preparative centrifuges, ultracentrifuges and rotors