Core Directors:
Ronald Buckanovich, MD, PhD
Sarah Taylor, MD, PhD
The HCC OvCa SPORE Administrative Core (Core A) is co-directed by SPORE PIs Ronald Buckanovich, MD, PhD and Robert Edwards, MD.
Specific Aims
Aim 1: Provide scientific, fiscal, and general administrative oversight to all SPORE components.
Aim 2: Work to facilitate the research productivity of the three SPORE Projects.
Aim 3: Expand the utility and efficiency of the SPORE’s two Shared Resource Cores.
Aim 4: Ensure the success of the Career Enhancement Program (CEP) and Developmental Research Program (DRP) to generate a pipeline of new OvCa investigators and projects.
Core A will coordinate sharing of SPORE data as well as internal and external communications and budgets. Core A will convene monthly meetings attended by all SPORE Investigators, coordinate periodic administrative and scientific reviews, release and publicize RFAs and arrange for the review of received CEP and DRP applications, and work closely with the NCI Translational Research Program Office. It will provide the administrative framework through which the SPORE Executive Committee, Internal Advisory Board (IAB), and External Advisory Board (EAB) can evaluate program activities and will redirect resources, as appropriate, to maximize progress toward the SPORE’s translational goals.