Kazunori Koide

Program: Cancer Therapeutics

412-624-8767 koide@pitt.edu Chevron Science Center
219 Parkman Avenue
Pittsburgh, , PA 15260


We are currently studying FR901464, a natural product that regulates cancer-related genes by novel mechanisms. This compound inhibits cancer proliferation at concentrations as low as 1 nM. To study FR901464, we completed a chemical total synthesis of this natural product. Combination of this powerful, stereocontrolled chemical synthesis and cell biology will provide insights into the molecular mechanisms of FR901464. More recently, we have developed an exceptionally active FR901464 analog (meayamycin) that inhibits tumor growth at 10 pM (analogouus to one pack of sugar (5 grams) in 400 Olympic swimming pools).

Research Interests and Keywords

  • anticancer agents
  • Organic synthesis of natural products

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