DNA Services: Library Preparation

The CGF can perform DNA library prep using a variety of kits to meet the individual project’s specifications.  Some common DNA library preps are listed below. 

  • Exome library prep and capture (Agilent SureSelect frozen or FFPET samples, 200 ng DNA) (60 Mb) (individual hybridizations)
  • Exome library prep and capture for frozen tissue samples (Illumina TruSeq) (100 ng input, 45 Mb baits) (single or 3-plex hybridization samples pooled)
  • Custom exome library prep for low yield (1 ng) and degraded samples (Swift 2S and Agilent SureSelect)
  • AmpliSeq for Illumina (various off the shelf and made to order DNA panels)
  • Custom exome library prep (Please contact the CGF to develop custom protocols to answer specific research needs).

If you would like to use a kit that isn’t listed, please call 412-623-1497 for an initial consultation to discuss options.