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J. Peter Rubin

J. Peter Rubin

Program: Cancer Biology


Dr. Rubin is a noted expert on adult stem cells derived from fat tissue and advanced reconstructive surgery. Dr. Rubin leads a program that is devising innovative strategies for the use of adipose (fat)-derived stem cells to not only address problems of tissue regeneration but also other diseases that benefit from stem cell-based therapies. He is co-director of the Adipose Stem Cell Center and co-director of the UPMC Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Center. His laboratory research focuses on applications of adult adipose-derived stem cells for restoring damaged tissues after trauma and cancer therapy. He currently is the lead investigator for clinical trials using technologies designed to improve the lives of wounded military personnel. He recently founded and directs the Center for Innovation in Restorative Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, an advanced clinical accelerator unit with expertise in regulatory affair, preclinical testing, and clinical trials design and management.

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