Shared Resources

At UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, Shared Resources play a key role in supporting cancer research by providing investigators with access to cutting-edge technology and technical expertise, and by containing costs.

Hillman Center Cancer

Animal Facility*

Quality, humane animal care and services in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, to support existing and future animal research programs

Biobehavioral Oncology Facility

Biobehavioral Oncology Facility

High-quality laboratory services to assess biological changes associated with stress and other psychological and behavioral factors in health and disease

KM Plot

Biostatistics Facility*

Statistical and computer-related expertise in design, execution, analysis, and reporting of cancer-related basic, translational, and clinical research studies


Cancer Bioinformatics Services*

Analysis of genomics data from RNA Seq, whole genome and whole exome Seq, ChIP Seq and emerging platforms. Collaboration with Department of Biomedical Informatics faculty, the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC) and University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Research Computing (CRC) to develop infrastructure for genomics Big Data


Cancer Genomics Facility*

Genomic and transcriptomic platforms to identify diagnostic biomarkers, elucidate underlying mechanisms of tumorigenesis, and delineate novel targets for prospective pharmacological reagents

Pharmacokinetic parameters

Cancer Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Facility*

Accessible, economical, comprehensive, and state-of-the-art pharmacology research services that support preclinical and clinical research programs at Hillman and medical institutions nationwide

Dendritic cell tunneling nanotubules

Cell and Tissue Imaging Facility*

Expertise in the design and implementation of experiments using microscopic techniques and image analysis, including interpretation of morphological data

Cytometry Facility*

Analytical and imaging cytometry and cell sorting, for rapid quantitation of a wide variety of cellular properties

Dendritic cells

Immunologic Monitoring and Cellular Products Laboratory*

Therapeutic cell product generation, serial monitoring of immunologic functions in patients with cancer who are treated with biologic therapies, and banking of blood and tissues for patients on clinical protocols


Investigational Drug Services

Oversight of all pharmacy procedures and processes for UPMC Hillman Cancer Center and clinical sites where UPMC Hillman Cancer Center-sponsored studies are implemented


PET Scan

In Vivo Imaging Facility*

Expertise and state-of-the-art instrumentation for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT), and optical/ultrasound small animal imaging


Tissue and Research Pathology Services*

Centralized support for tissue and biological specimen procurement, research histology, and clinical data annotation

Translational Pathology Imaging Laboratory

Permit interrogation of protein biomarkers in tissue through next-generation, quantitative histopathologic technologies

Required CCSG Acknowledgement

If a UPMC Hillman CCSG-supported Shared Resource was used to generate data in your publication(s), please include the required CCSG acknowledgement.


* CCSG-supported shared resource
† Developing resource